Sit Spot and Nature-Connection Practice

Sit Spot is a simple but powerful practice that encourages you to become more mindful; to connect with nature; to cultivate a deeper awareness of yourself and others; and most importantly to cultivate a deeper understanding of the relationship that you have with the natural world. You can read more about practicing Sit Spot here.

Ideally, you will be able to find a place in nature where you can sit comfortably for about 20–30 minutes and just ‘be’, immersing yourself in the world around you, engaging with it through all your senses and reconnecting with the rhythms of the natural world. However, if you cannot get outside, but can sit by a window with a view of nature, that will do just fine, although we will be suggesting a few things that you could do or items that you could collect when you go outside.

Follow the link below to sign up, and we will send you instructions on how to select a ‘Sit Spot’ and twenty-eight suggested ‘Sit Spot Invitations’ (as well an extra ‘Wildcard’ invitation that you can substitute for another at any time if you want). These invitations are activities to encourage you to consciously engage with the natural environment around you, designed to heighten your sensory awareness and increase your nature-connection. We will also send you a link to twenty-eight days worth of journal pages for you to help reflect on your experiences and record your thoughts if you want to.

There is NO PRESSURE to get out everyday and do it, nor is there anything that says that you can’t do it in the way that most appeals to you. Just do the parts that resonate with you.

We hope to see you soon!